40% Off Any TELUS Services

Receive 40% off Any TELUS Service's

As your realtor I like to add as much value to my services to you as possible. Thanks to TELUS I am happy to offer all of my potential, past and repeat clients 40% off any new service with them for 1 year. You never know who's shopping around for a competitive service so I thought I would put this out there!

Here is what you do:

Call 1-866-0667-9749
Tell them your realtor is: Leanne Woodward
Give them my realtor number: 3105323

That's it! Thank you for your business!

*****Please keep in mind that I am always looking for new clients! It would be an honor & pleasure if you were to give my contact information to anyone looking to buy or sell real estate.

Have A Beautiful Summer!

Leanne Woodward